My biggest project

The Pumpkin Odyssey
The Pumpkin Odyssey was my third year's final project. It's a 2D game made with Phaser. That was the first game I ever made and the project I enjoyed working on the most.
See projectThe rest of my projects

Grocery List App
This is a personal project made with React that allows you to make a grocery list. You can also find a list of default product you can use to quickly setup a grocery list.
Case study available here (in french)
See project
BookInn was my second year's final project. I made a web application that allows you to search for books using the Google API. You can organize them in lists to keep track of what books you own or want to buy and add some personal informations to them.
See project
Reboot Factory
A fun group project where the focus was on building a mobile web application. Ours was GreenWalk, a guide to help you recognize and look for different plants around you.
See project
For this project we had to watch Dave Shea's conference, "A Brief History of Web Design", then make a website summarizing said conference.
See project
Montrer - Démontrer
A simple website explaining some of the main rules about typography in web design.
See project
Rethinking UX — Youtube
A group project during which we had to rethink a functionality of a big web platform in terms of UX, in our case it was YouTube.
See project
For Dataplay we received a group of informations about the city of Namur and had to make an interactive way of showcasing those informations. We made the choice of dividing the streets by name themes.
See project